The Snow-Bunny

Bunty was going across the frozen hills again the other day. He wanted to see the snowman he had made the day before yesterday. He was very happy to see the snowman still standing there. As he came near it, he found a little Bunny staring at the snowman with wonder. He was talking to the snowman but the snowman was not responding. Bunny looked up to Bunty and said, “See, I am talking to this man but he is not speaking. He doesn’t move his hand either!” Bunty broke into laughter. He told Bunny that the snowman was not a real man. He had made this snowman with the snow that was lying under his feet. The little Bunny then requested him to make a snow-bunny. Bunty was delighted and asked him to stand still on the snow. He started making a snow-bunny with a lump of snow in his hand.

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