It was a bright sunny evening. The sun had almost set to appear in another land. All the hens locked themselves in the chicken coop for a safe night. In the moonlight, a fox came prowling around to hunt for prey. There was a fat cock roosting high up in the coop always in a position to look over the hens.

‘That fellow will make a delicious dinner for me!’ thought the fox, ‘I must find a way to get hold of him.’ He cleared his throat loudly and the cock woke up, alert and wary. He saw the fox crouching outside the coop.

“Have you heard the good news, my friend!” asked the fox very amicably to get the attention of the cock. “What good news?” asked the wary cock, keeping an eye on the sleeping hens. “The King of the Jungle, the Lion, has announced a truce!” the fox said. “What kind

“None of the animals will attack another animals any more! All animals have agreed to forget their differences and live in peace together as brothers and friends in future,” continued the cunning fox, “Thus we should meet and embrace one another to celebrate such a big event.” The cock had heard stories about foxes from his mother. His grandmother too had been eaten by a fox long ago. He didn’t trust foxes at all!

He was far too intelligent to fall into the fox’s trap! So, he decided that he too would teach the fox a lesson. “What wonderful news!” the cock said aloud, “I am sure everyone will be delighted!”

The fox was convinced that he had fooled the cock. “This fellow will come down now and i’ll jump on him!” planned the fox. But the cock was still higher up and screening at something far off. “What is it that is drawing your attention?” asked the fox anxiously.

“I can see a couple of dogs coming up from the farm,” said the cock, “It’s the farmer’s dogs. They must be
coming to announce the good news and we will celebrate together.” The cock looked down to find the fox slinking away into the shadows.

“Wait! Why are you going away? Dogs are friends now!” But the fox had run for his life without meeting his new friends as he feared that the dogs would tear him to pieces! The cock chuckled on his perch, for no dog was coming at all and he had outwitted a crafty fox.