Benny has a lot of friends.

His best friend is Sammy.

Today is Sammy’s birthday.

But Benny has forgotten about it.

And Sammy feels so sad.

They sit together in school.

But Benny still does not remember.

After school they walk back home together.

Benny says “Bye” and still does not remember.

At home, Benny sees the calendar.

Oh dear! Today is marked as Sammy’s birthday.

Benny feels bad that he has forgotten his friend’s birthday.

So, he rushes to the store to get a gift.

Then he hurries back to Sammy’s house.

Sammy opens the door.

Sammy sees his best friend with a gift.

“I am late, but happy birthday!” Benny says.

“Thank you,” says Sammy happily.

They both hug each other.

Sammy cuts the cake and both friends enjoy.

Benny learns that just caring is not enough.

It is important to show it too.