Vladimir Bekhterev

Vladimir Bekhterev (24 January, 1857–24 December, 1927) was a Russian brain doctor and also the Father of objective psychological science. He is known for discovering the function of the hippocampus within memory and Bekhterev’s illness. Furthermore, he is also known for his contest with Ivan Pavlov concerning the conditioned reflexes study.

Vladimir Bekhterev was born in a village named Sorali in Viatka district of Russia. His childhood wasn’t without trouble. For example, his father, government official of low rank, died while he was a youth. As his puerility wasn’t simple, he did have a chance to go to Vyataka gymnasium, which is one among the most former schools in Russia (also the Military Medical Academy in the St. Petersburg). Then he studied in the St. Petersburg Medicosurgical Academy. There, he functioned under a professor named Jan Lucjan Mierzejewsk. Here, his interest in the field neuropathology plus psychiatry first sparked. He took period of time from his studies for helping in the war by offering with an ambulance breakup.

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