The River’s Tears

One evening, Akbar and Birbal were walking along the banks of the Yamuna. Akbar loved the sound of the flowing river. He told Birbal, “Listen to the river, Birbal. I feel it is crying. Can you tell me why it is crying?” Birbal stared at the river for a while. He thought, ‘This is a strange question, but I must give a sensible answer.’ Then he said, “Your Majesty, the mountain is the father of the river. The sea is her husband. When the river flows down from the mountain, she is sad to leave her father behind to meet her husband. She must flow on and she cannot stop even though she loves her father. That’s why she is always crying.” Akbar marvelled at the thought and said, “How beautiful, Birbal! Here, take this bracelet as a reward.” Birbal was happy that his answer had pleased Akbar.

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