The Emperor’s Touch

One day, an old lady visited Birbal. She was in tears. Birbal asked, “What happened?” The old lady said, “I had a son who died in battle and I am all alone.” Birbal wiped her tears and said, “Do you have anything to give the emperor?” The old lady said, “Yes, my son’s sword. Birbal said, “Give it to the emperor; he will surely give you something.” The old lady met Akbar and said, “Your Majesty, my son is no more. I’ve brought his sword to you so that it may be used again.” Akbar said, “The sword is rusted. It is useless.” He ordered the servant to give the lady a few coins. Birbal said, “Your Majesty, I have heard everything turns into gold with your touch. Why not this sword?” Akbar asked his servants to weigh the sword and gave the old lady gold coins equal to its weight. The old lady was happy.

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