THE INVISIBLE LEG (Amazing Science Games and Experiments)

Materials Required:

  1. An old nylon stocking
  2. Polythene bag


  1. Hold the toe of the nylon stocking against the wall with one hand, and with the other hand rub over it with the polythene bag.
  2. After about five or ten strokes, pull the stocking from the wall and hold it in the air. The stocking quickly fills out, making it look as if it were actually filled with an invisible leg.

This is what happens:

When we rubbed the stocking with the polythene bag, we put a very strong charge on it, so that its sides may now repel each other and try to get as far apart as possible (like charges repel). Thus the stocking fills out. At the same time that we charged the stocking we also put an opposite charge on the polythene bag. If you bring the bag close to the stocking, they will be attracted towards each other (unlike charges attract).

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