The Donkey’s Treat


One day, Mulla Nasruddin heard the cries of his donkey and rushed out of his house to see what was happening. He looked around for his donkey and saw it in his neighbour’s yard. The neighbour was beating it with a stick. “Why are you beating my poor donkey?” yelled Mulla, running into his neighbour’s yard. “Your donkey ate my grass!” said the neighbour, pointing to a corner of his yard. Mulla said, “I would have easily compensated for your loss. Why did you beat my poor beast? Now, come with me!” The neighbour threw the stick and followed Mulla, thinking that he was going to pay him for the loss of the grass. When they reached Mulla’s house, he pointed at the corner of his yard and said to his neighbour, “Do you see the grass in that corner? Go and eat it. That will cover your loss.” Mulla went into his house, leaving his shocked neighbour behind.

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