STICK DOESN’T FALL (Amazing Science Games and Experiments)

Material Required:

  1. One-metre long
    wooden stick


  1. You stand by keeping your hands at least 60 cm away from each other.
  2. After that ask your friend to place the stick onto your hands as shown in the picture that one end of the stick slightly enters from your hand and other end should be outer from hand.
  3. Now, try to slip your hands right and left to unbalance the stick that falls from the hands. You’ll try it many times but you can’t do it.

This is what happens:

The main reason for this is friction, the friction which is present between your hands and the stick. The friction present, creates pressure on the sides of the stick kept on the hands. The side of the stick which extends more than the other side, exerts more pressure and hence that side has more friction.
If we try to bring our hands closer, the stick would move only to the side with less friction.

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