27. Nuruddin and the Fair Persian

Zinebi, the King of Balsora had two wazir, Khakan and Saouy. Khakan bought a beautiful Persian slave for the king and named her ‘The Fair Persian’. The Casanova Nuruddin, Khakan’s son, soon threw his intentions before her. That Nuruddin shouldn’t mis­use her, Khakan trickily advised him to make her his wife.

When all his money was spent, at his wife’s in­sistence, Nuruddin reluctantly took her to the slave market. Saouy offered to buy her and was savagely beaten by Nuruddin. The King was infuriated and arrested Nuruddin and the Fair Persian.

Sangiar, a faithful slave of Khakan, helped them es­cape to Baghdad. In the Caliph’s garden, Sheikh Ibra­him helped them with food. Nuruddin lit the garden that caught the eye of Caliph Haroon Al-Rashid who then along with his grand wazir came to the pavilion disguised as a fisherman. Hearing their story, the Ca­liph told them to go to Balsora handing over a letter for the King.

Nuruddin set off to Balsora and the Ca­liph promised the Persian to be deported to Balsora as Queen when Nuruddin became the King. Nuruddin was tricked by Saouy and ordered to be beheaded. But the Caliph saved him and made him one of courtiers.

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