Wealth or Brains?


One day, Mulla Nasruddin was sitting with many people at a rich Amir’s house. Someone asked, “If God was pleased with you what would you ask him–wealth, brains, beautiful wife, children, good health….” The Amir asked Mulla, “Well, will you ask for wealth or brains?” “Wealth!” Mulla answered without hesitation. “I thought you were a wise person but you are a fool! Ask for something that you can’t get anywhere else,” said the Amir. All those who hated Mulla smiled at this. Mulla asked, “Respected sir! What would you ask God–wealth or brains?” “Brains! Without a doubt,” said the Amir. “I will ask for wealth because I have no wealth. One would naturally ask for something he does not have. You will ask for brains because you don’t have…do I have to finish the sentence?” said Mulla. The Amir’s face had turned red in embarrassment, while the others turned their faces to smile.

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