Think before you act

Think Before You ACT

There lived a clever fox in a jungle. One night, she was wandering around in search of food. She was hungry. Suddenly, her foot hit a stone. She lost her balance and fell into a well.
She tried her level best to come out but could not succeed. Next morning, a billy goat passed that way. He peeped inside the well and said, “What are you doing inside the well?”

“Oh! It is very cool inside. The water is also very sweet. You too get in if you wish to share the fun,” said the fox.
The billy goat jumped into the well without giving it any thought. He quenched his thirst with the sweet water of the well. Then he asked the fox to get him out.
The fox asked him to stand on his hind legs to get out.

The billy goat stood erect on his hind legs. The fox quickly climbed on his back and jumped out of the well. Then the billy goat asked him to help him get out of the well. The fox said, “If you had ever thought before jumping into the well, you would not have been there. Now remain here thinking of a way out.” And the fox went away.
Moral—Do not trust others blindly.

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