The Unexpected Arrival

Once upon a time, a girl named Katie entered heaven. There was a huge uproar. No one expected her. Not only was she young but also she had two small children. Saint Anthony was shocked to see her and said, “You are very young. What are you doing here?” Still, he checked his book and was surprised to find her name. Yet, he thought it unbelievable. But, it was true.
Katie had completed all her tasks that allows a person’s entry into heaven. Apart from that, she had left for her children everything they would need, that too, in so little time. Katie was now sure that she had actually reached heaven and it was not a dream. She smiled and said, “Ever since Bren and Brenda were babies, I gave them everything. Only they can access the treasure I gave them.”

Now, everyone in heaven knew what Katie was talking about. It was the treasure of love and virtues with which mothers fill the hearts of their young children. According to the rule of heaven, a mother could enter only when she had completely filled her children’s hearts. Seeing Katie, everyone was amazed as to how hearts could be filled so soon. They decided to investigate. Looking at children’s hearts was the favourite pastime of the angels.
At night, when all the children slept, their hearts shone brightly with a purplish light that only angels could see. The angels used to go and sit around the children and sing melodious songs. So, at that night, in the bedroom of Bren and Brenda, thousands of angels gathered. The children were still crying at their mother’s loss. Still, they were trying to sleep. Once asleep, their hearts began to light up and were shining brilliantly.
Undoubtedly, Katie had left Bren’s and Brenda’s hearts overflowing with so much love and virtue that they could have shared these traits with hundreds of other children. The angels were delighted at the sight of such beauty. They sang hymns of praise, and resolved to return each night. When Bren and Brenda woke up, they did not notice anything strange. They felt as if they had got some extra strength to face the challenges of the new day with enthusiasm.

Bren and Brenda were ready to grow and learn in the way their mother had wanted them to. So, fulfilling their mother’s wish, Bren and Brenda grew into two brilliant children brimming with goodness. Every day they were inspired from hearts filled with love and virtue, left to them by their mother. The presence of thousands of angels every night gave them extra strength.

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