The Skinny Goat

Akbar and Birbal had just finished having a lavish meal. Birbal said, “Pardon me, Your Majesty! But I think you are becoming fat.” Akbar said, “It’s because of all the rich food the cooks serve every day.” Birbal said, “No, Your Majesty. It is because you have no worries. A well-fed person with worries can never gain weight.” Akbar said, “Birbal, even animals gain weight if they are fed well.” Birbal wanted to prove his point. So he bought a goat. The goat was fed well twice a day. After a month Akbar came to see the goat. The goat had not gained weight. He asked Birbal “Was the goat being fed regularly?” Birbal replied, “Your Majesty, it was fed well twice a day. However, I had tied the goat to a lion’s cage. Since it lived in constant fear of losing its life, it remained thin.” Akbar said, “Birbal, you are right!”

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