The Puzzle

Akbar and Birbal shared a close relationship which had its share of strange twists. There were times when Akbar would get angry with Birbal and banish him from the court. During one such incident, Birbal went away. Akbar’s soldiers searched for Birbal, but in vain. Akbar knew Birbal could not resist challenges. So he announced a puzzle which only Birbal could solve. He sent his messengers with a proposal for the neighbouring kings. The proposal read, “Emperor Akbar wishes to get the sea of his kingdom married. Send the rivers of your kingdom to him. He shall choose the best match.” There came a reply from a kingdom near by. It read, “We shall send our rivers, but the wells of your kingdom should receive them.” Akbar knew it was Birbal’s answer. He sent his men to the kingdom with a message for Birbal to come home. Soon, they were reunited.

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