The Princess and the Unicorn

It was a beautiful creature. The white unicorn stood in the snow-covered meadow. Princess Helena looked at it longingly. ‘It would be wonderful if I could ride on this unicorn!’ she thought.
Surprisingly, the unicorn looked up at her as if it had heard her thought. It trotted up to her and stood waiting. She put out a hand to stroke it. The unicorn stood patiently. Hesitating a little, she moved close to it and touched its back.
The unicorn sank on its legs as if inviting her to climb up. Princess Helena was delighted as she sat side-saddle on it. The strange creature suddenly stood up and began to trot towards the meadow where it had been standing earlier. The Princess saw that there was a circle of snowdrops where it stood. The unicorn took off into the air as the Princess held onto it tightly. The wind whipped through her hair but strangely enough, she did not feel cold. They flew over forests and streams, mountains and seas, till the Princess saw the beautiful turrets of a castle at some distance.

Gently the unicorn came down outside the castle. Princess Helena slipped off its back. Turning, the unicorn looked at her and began to move towards the castle. It was as if the unicorn were inviting her to follow, and so she did.
The doors opened and the creature stepped over the threshold into a large hall, beautifully decorated. Instantly, the unicorn vanished and in its place stood a handsome Prince holding out his hand to the Princess. Attendants and footmen seemed to materialise out of thin air.
Princess Helena took his hand and he led her into the castle, showing her the fabulously decorated rooms. His housekeeper, Mrs Hudson, came to take the Princess’ cloak and took her to a room where a new gown, satin slippers and jewels were laid out for her.

Wondering at this hospitality, the Princess changed and went down to dinner. The Prince was waiting for her. A delicious meal was spread on the table and the Prince charmed her with his conversation about all the lands where he had travelled.
When they had eaten, he led her to a room where a large painting hung, covered with silk. The Prince removed the silk and the Princess was astonished to see her own majestic portrait looking back at her!
“How did this happen?” she asked the Prince.

“I painted this years ago and wished this girl to be my bride. But unfortunately, I was placed under a spell by a wizard and had to become a unicorn if I left the castle. Only if I married the girl in this picture would the spell break. But no girl would marry a unicorn. I decided to look for my bride and see if she was loving and kind. You have entered the castle and broken the enchantment. And here you are!” said the Prince.
Princess Helena married the Prince and they lived happily thereafter.

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