The Old Man’s Gold

One day, an old man came to see Akbar. He said, “Your Majesty, my son and daughter-in-law have thrown me out of the house. What shall I do now?” Birbal said, “Your Majesty, I have a plan.” Birbal took the old man with him and told him his plan. Then he said, “Go home and try it. See you!” After a few days, the old man went to Akbar and said, “Your Majesty, I am happy now. My children take good care of me after I have followed Birbal’s advice!” Akbar asked Birbal, “What was your advice?” “I gave the old man a box of gold coins,” Birbal replied. “I asked him to count them when his son and daughter-in-law were looking. He returned my gold coins, but his children think he is rich. They will serve him throughout his life, since they are greedy for his gold!” “Birbal! You are great!” said Akbar.

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