The Naughty Pussy

Pussy was a naughty little kitten. Mrs Gibs, her mistress, was always scolding her for her naughtiness. Mrs Gibs loved knitting. One afternoon while she was busy knitting a woollen scarf, she fell asleep. “Wow! That’s a nice ball,” thought pussy when she saw the woollen ball. She took the wool in her mouth and hopped around the room. Alas! Poor Pussy was soon entangled in the wool and couldn’t move. “Meeww…!” Pussy cried aloud. Mrs Gibs woke up with a jerk. “Oh, you monster…look what you’ve done to my wool!” She cried and quickly disentangled Pussy. Then se gave her a stern look and said, “This serves you right, Kitty!” Pussy was pale with fear and promised never to paly with the wool again.

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