The Magical Bird

One day, Fawzia scolded Sheikh, “You have lost your job again. There is nothing at home to eat or to prepare food from. I wish I had not married you!” This made Sheikh very sad. He said, “I am going to the city to find a job.” Sheikh left the house and kept on walking the whole day. After a few hours, tired, he sat under a big tree near a well. As usual, he started daydreaming. In his dream, he saw that a fairy came to him while he sat beside the well. She asked him, “Dear Sheikh, why are you looking so tired and sad?” Sheikh told her his sad story. The fairy gave him a hen and said, “This is a magical hen; whenever you ask her, she will lay a golden egg for you.” When Sheikh opened his eyes, he saw a bird sitting near him. He thought it was the magical hen of his dream and happily went home, with the bird in his arms. It was a partridge! Fawzia was upset but finally made dinner out of it.

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