The Heavenly Rabbit

One day, a hunter visited Akbar’s court. He showed Akbar a strange rabbit and said, “I found this heavenly rabbit in the forest. Please accept my gift.” The rabbit had many colours and indeed looked heavenly. Akbar said, “I am happy with your gift. I shall give you a hundred gold coins as a reward.” Just then, Birbal said, “Your Majesty, this rabbit looks dirty. It needs to have a bath first.” Akbar agreed. Birbal asked a servant to bring a tub of warm water. When he dipped the rabbit in the water, the colours on the rabbit’s body washed away. It was just an ordinary white rabbit. Akbar was angry with the hunter. He asked Birbal, “How did you know it’s a painted rabbit?” Birbal said, “The hunter used many colours to paint the rabbit and the colour was still present on its nails!” Akbar gave Birbal a hundred gold coins instead.

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