The Fox and the Folk

Once there lived a fox that was as cunning as a fox should be. One day, he went out of the forest and entered the shop of a currier. In the shop, the man had lots of skins kept for trading. The fox went inside and started playing with the skins till they all got spoiled. When the storekeeper saw the fox playing with the skins, he was enraged and beat up the fox black and blue. He beat the fox so hard that the fox became unconscious and just collapsed. The man thought that the fox died and threw it outside the shop on the road. An old lady, who saw the fox, thought he was dead and plucked his right eye to be used as a chain on her child’s shoulders so that it might not cry. Then a boy passed by and cut off the tail to be used as a brush. Then a man cut off the stomach of the fox and took it away. After one day, the fox regained consciousness but could not survive longer because of his cut stomach, and loss of tail and one eye. Soon he died.

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