An old woman had seven children. One day, she made a big pancake. The children said, “We want that big pancake.” The pancake heard the children. It said, “The children shall not eat me.” And it rolled away.

The old woman with seven children ran after it. The old woman said, “Stop pancake! My children want to eat you.” The pancake said, “I cannot stop for you.” And it rolled away.

An old man saw the pancake. He said, “Good day, pancake.” “Good day, old man,” said the pancake. “Stop,” said the old man, “Do not go so fast. I want to eat you.”

The pancake said, “I did not stop for the old woman; I did not stop for the seven children; I cannot stop for you either.” And it rolled away.

A hen saw the pancake. She said, “Good day, pancake.” “Good day, hen,” said the pancake. “Stop, pancake,” said the hen, “Do not go so fast. I want to eat you.”

The pancake said, “I did not stop for the old woman; I did not stop for the seven children; I did not stop for the old man; I cannot stop for you either.” And it rolled away.

A cock saw the pancake. He said, “Good day to you, pancake.” “Good day, cock” said the pancake. “Stop,” said the cock, “Do not go so fast. I want to eat you.”

The pancake said, “I did not stop for the old woman; I did not stop for the seven children; I did not stop for the old man; I did not stop for the hen; I cannot stop for you either.” And it rolled away.

A boy saw the pancake. “Stop, stop!” said the boy, “You are a big pancake. I want to eat you.”

The pancake said, “I did not stop for the old woman; I did not stop for the seven children; I did not stop for the old man; I did not stop for the hen; I did not stop for the cock; I cannot stop for you either.” And it rolled away.

A dog saw the pancake. “Stop, stop,” said the dog, “You are a big pancake. I want to eat you.”

The pancake said, “I did not stop for the old woman; I did not stop for the seven children; I did not stop for the old man; I did not stop for the cock; I did not stop for the hen; I did not stop for the boy; I cannot stop for you either.”

And the pancake happily rolled away. It rolled, and it rolled, and it rolled.

The pancake came to the woods. A pig saw the pancake. “Good day to you,” said the pig. “Good day,” said the pancake. “Do not go so fast,” said the pig, “I will go into the woods with you.”

The pancake thanked the pig. So, they went into the woods. They came to a brook. The pig said, “I can swim over the brook.” “I cannot swim,” said the pancake, “I cannot go into the water.” The pig said, “Get on my snout.”

As soon as the pancake got on the pig’s snout, the pig said, “Ouf, Ouf ! You are a good pancake.” And he ate it up.