Stale Bread

God always wanted to give the Land of Canaan to the people of Israel, as He had promised the same years ago to Abraham. The Lord had to wait, as He wanted to check if the rulers of Canaan and other places changed. After waiting for long, He ordered the people of Israel to march forward to this place. God had spoken to Moses about not to make any friendly agreement with the people of the Canaan, as they would also practices the wrong things. The group of Gibeon however, wanted to make a treaty with them and thought that Joshua might say, “No” to this. They made a smart plan, and dressed in ragged outfits, wore torn sandals, and loaded their donkeys with stale bread loaves and marched towards the Israel camp. They were interrupted by Joshua, who asked them from where they had come. They answered that they were from a far-off place. Joshua without waiting for God’s instruction, made a peace treaty with them. On finding the trick, they realized that they couldn’t now conquer Gibeonites.

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