Sheikh and the Troll

Once, a troll came to live near Sheikh Chilli’s village. He set up a house near the bridge, which connected Sheikh’s village to the market. The mean troll threatened everyone and started taking toll from people for crossing the bridge. One day, Sheikh got ready to go to the market, but his mother asked him not to go to the market as the troll was troubling everybody. But Sheikh went ahead, paying no heed to his mother’s advice. As he went towards the bridge, the troll yelled at him and asked for toll or else he would not let him cross the bridge. Sheikh asked the troll why he behaved in this manner. The troll replied that he hated people and enjoyed seeing them sad and helpless. Sheikh said he was already sad and helpless, so the troll should not ask him for any toll. He should be allowed to cross the bridge. For once, the troll was speechless and let Sheikh cross the bridge!

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