
Lord Krishna’s third wife, Satyabhama, was known for her strong will and tantrums. She had suffered a lot in her previous life. After her death, she had sought shelter in Lord Vishnu’s celestial abode or Vaikunth. While she was there, she tirelessly served Lord Vishnu. He was so pleased with her services that he promised that she would be one of His wives in His next incarnation. Therefore, Lord Krishna married Satyabhama and ensured to keep her happy always. He did this by doing whatever she wished, regardless of the wish. In fact, Satyabhama’s fighting spirit and arguments entertained Krishna immensely. She was gifted with archery and could give match to Krishna. When Satyabhama saw Narakasur attacking Krishna, she was furious. She doubled her strength and attacked him. Before his death, Narakasur requested a boon from Satyabhama that everyone should celebrate his death with colourful lights. Accordingly, this day is celebrated as the first day of Diwali or Naraka Chaturdashi.

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