Bhishmaka, the king of Vidarbha, had two children, Prince Rukmi and Princess Rukmini. He had heard many stories of Lord Krishna’s valour and secretly wished him to be his son-in-law. Bhishmaka knew that it might not be possible as Kansa’s father-in-law, Jarasandha, was their overlord and Lord Krishna was his sworn enemy. In fact, Prince Rukmi was a friend of Kansa and hated Krishna since Kansa’s death. He wanted his younger sister, Rukmini to marry Shishupal, the crown prince of Chedi, who also was favoured by Jarasandha. Bhishmaka had to agree with Rukmi and decided to marry his daughter to Shishupal. But Princess Rukmini had heard stories of Lord Krishna’s valour since her childhood and she had her heart set on marrying Lord Krishna. When she learnt that her brother had chosen Shishupal for her, she resolved with determination, “I will marry only Lord Krishna or give up my life!” But Rukmi refused to get his sister married to Krishna.
Rukmi and Rukmini