Never Give up

A young man was about to jump into a well. Birbal said, “Stop! What’s the matter?” The man said, “I wanted to be a farmer but it didn’t rain. The crops died. I tried to be a shepherd, but a wolf killed my sheep. I am fed up!” Birbal said, “Come with me!” He took the man to a mahout’s house. There, they saw some elephants tied with thin ropes. Birbal told the mahout, “Tie these elephants with a strong chain or they will run away.” The mahout said, “When these elephants were babies, I tied their legs with the same ropes and they could not break them. As they grew, they believed these ropes couldn’t be broken. So they stopped trying.” Birbal told the young man, “Did you hear? The elephants have stopped trying. They don’t know their strength. The man said, “Thank you, sir! I will never stop trying!”

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