Legend has it that once Hanuman was sitting on a beach in deep meditation. Shanidev, who was passing by, wanted to disturb him. After all, he was well known as a mischief-maker! So, he began to pull Hanuman’s tail. Hanuman opened his eyes and warned Shani, “Leave me alone. Don’t test my patience!” But Shani was in a playful mood. He continued pestering him. Hanuman lost his patience. He immediately wrapped his tail around Shani. Then he swung his tail up and down, hitting Shani against the rocks with each swing. All the while, he continued praying to Ram. Shani got severely injured and became unconscious. By the time Hanuman finished his prayer, Shani regained his consciousness and apologised to Hanuman. He also assured Hanuman that he would never disturb his true devotees. Hanuman forgave him. Shani then applied an oil given by Hanuman on his bruises. His bruises were completely healed.
Hanuman’s Anger