God is Just and Kind

One day, Akbar said to Birbal, “We say God is kind, but sometimes I feel God is unfair. Many are blessed with good health, while many are ill. Some are poor; some are rich. If God is our father, why does He treat His children differently?” Birbal explained, “Your Majesty, if all was well, who would pray to God? You, as our ruler, are like a father to us. You reward someone if they do good and punish those who are wicked. If someone works less, they earn less, but if they work more, you pay them more.” Akbar said, “Yes, that is true.” Birbal continued, “Similarly, God rewards those who are good and punishes those who do wrong deeds. Every man’s fate is decided by his own actions. God is just. He always showers His blessings upon every living being and protects everyone.” Akbar said, “You are right, Birbal!”

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