Fancy Dress Competition

Annual fancy dress competition was announced in Dinoland and everyone was thrilled. All day, all the discussions were just about the competition. The rule was–the dinosaurs have to act what they dress like. Tanya knew from the start what she would be but she kept it a secret. Finally, it was the competition day; everyone arrived in his costumes and performed one by one. When it was Tanya’s turn, she was nowhere to be found. The dinos searched everywhere but simply couldn’t spot her when suddenly they saw a tree move! Surprised, every dinosaur turned towards the tree and suddenly out came Tanya! The moving tree was Tanya in her costume. Everyone laughed and it was decided that Tanya should be the winner, not only for the great costume but also for the acting. She didn’t utter a word despite being called out so many times, just like a tree.

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