Birthday Party

Ricky’s fifth birthday was approaching and he just couldn’t control his excitement. Every day he’d ask his parents about the cake, the gifts and his party. The excitement was such, that Ricky started imagining everything about the day. He imagined it to be the best day ever. When Ricky’s birthday finally arrived, his excitement knew no bounds. But as the day progressed, he started to get disappointed. Nothing seemed to match his expectations. Ricky’s mom noticed his mood and understood what must’ve caused it. She stroked his head and said, “Often we imagine many scenarios in our head about the future, but we forget how uncertain it is. We get disappointed when things don’t go as planned. My dear child, remember not to think so much about the future that you ruin your present. Now, let’s enjoy your birthday.” Ricky nodded and happily enjoyed the rest of the day.

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