Endless Love

Akbar knew a lot about many religions and was always eager to learn more. Once, he asked Birbal, “Why did Lord Krishna rush to help his devotees? Didn’t He have servants? Birbal said, “I shall answer that tomorrow, Your Majesty.” Then he ordered a craftsman to make a wax idol of Prince Khurram, Akbar’s grandson. Next day, Akbar and Birbal were strolling in the royal garden. As they walked by the pond, Birbal signalled to the servant. The servant pushed the wax idol into the pond. Akbar thought his grandson was about to be drowned so he dived into the pond. When he grabbed the idol, he realised he was mistaken. Birbal said, “Your Majesty, why didn’t you ask your servants to save Khurram?” “Could I have waited for a servant to save him?” asked Akbar. “Similarly, Lord Krishna loves His devotees so much that He does not wait for His servants to help them,” explained Birbal.

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