Counting Sparrows

One day, a messenger from a neighbouring kingdom came to Akbar’s court. The king had sent many gifts for Akbar and Birbal. The messenger gave them the gifts and said, “My king has heard about Birbal’s wit. He wants to test Birbal. He has a question for Birbal.” Akbar said, “Go ahead. Birbal shall never disappoint.” The messenger asked Birbal, “How many sparrows live in Agra?” Akbar was worried. But Birbal replied, “The exact number is 88,457.” The messenger said, “What if there are more sparrows?” Birbal said, “That would mean some of them are entertaining their relatives from another city.” The messenger pressed further, “What if there are fewer sparrows?” “Simple. Some of them have flown out of Agra to visit their relatives who live in other cities. I am sure about the number. You can count the birds anytime you want.” Everyone laughed heartily. The messenger praised Birbal and left.

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