The sermon of Krishna has put Arjun in dilemma. The state of the mind of Arjun made Krishna smile inwardly. He has queried from Arjun what was he mulling over’.” “What does Arjun reply?” Dhritrashtra asked from Sanjay. “King, Arjun is still confused and totally baffled. His mind is not in the battle,” Sanjay answered. “That is a good sign, Sanjay,” Dhritrashtra spoke overenthused. “Wait, O King!” Sanjay raised his hand to silence him. “Arjun is asking something from Krishna.”
Arjun looked towards Krishna and said, ‘Janardan! You say wisdom is better than desireful karma, yet you want to push me into this karma of fierce battle. One can not get freed of the result of karma by turning away from karma. And merely renunciation can’t gain one any accomplishment either. O Keshav, your sermons having several parallel meanings have confused my mind. I am more baffled than before. Will you please tell me between the ‘Jnan’ and ‘Karma’ which yoga way is better option for me?’
Seeing Arjun lost in confusion Krishna said, ‘O Arjun, a person can discover his inner soul reality through ‘Jnan-Yoga’ or ‘Bhakti-Yoga’ (devotion). No creature can delink itself from karma even for a moment. Karma (action) is a natural process. At the beginning of the creation Brahma had revealed the way to propitiate gods through karma of yajnas.
Only the propitiated gods can bless human beings with happiness, comforts and prosperity. The faithfuls of God in that way surrender all their karma to Him and earn salvation. O Parth, a creature survives on food and water. Food grains grow with blessing of rains, yajnas cause rains and yajna is done through appointed karmas. Vedas contain the proper processes (karma) and are known as the Jnan of God himself.
A person who does his karma without getting attached to it he realizes the knowledge of his inner self. It is the sublime way of linking individual soul with God, the Soul Supreme. King Janak accomplished this union through doing his prescribed karma. Arjun, common folk try to emulate the characters of iconic noble souls. So, O Parth, you may do your karma in a detached way and surrender them to me with entailing consequences. Banish the thoughts of gains or losses or infamy and battle without any worries. That is your noble duty.’
Arjun asked, ‘O Keshav! Sometimes a person unwillingly gets drawn towards sinful acts. It appears as if an unknown power were forcing one into sins. Why so?’ Krishna replied, ‘O Arjun, it happens when one gets into contact of ‘attachment tendency’ which is a very natural phenomenon. The charge of ‘Kama’ pushes one into the zone of conceit and angst.
These two are human life’s sinful forces which influence everyone. Just as smoke screens fire, dust covers mirror and foetus remains wrapped up in a membrane in the womb, similarly individual soul remains dimmed by several temptation screens of Kama. The Kama passion is like inferno that never gets satisfied.
The sensory organs possess the mind and wisdom. One who tries to show off by forcibly controlling his senses, but who is besotted with thoughts of carnal pleasures he is prepostorous and selfconceited. It is a hoax, a bluff. O Parth, one who exercises control over senses through his mind and employs himself into karma, he is the true master of the senses and a superior person.
One who does not do selfless karma in unattached manner according to the traditional rules of the creation, his life is worthless. So, O Arjun! Conquer the Kama enemy through control over senses and give up all infatuations, and desires.’