Arjun asked Krishna, ‘O Man Supreme! In this world we find two types of people—one with noble disposition and others of evil or demonic nature. Both are your creations. Then, why this double standard, my lord?’ Krishna responded, ‘O Parth! I created the divine qualities of fearlessness, charitability, self-discipline, self purification, religiousness, penance, endurance, nonviolence, truthfulness, self study, self improvement, sacrifice, simplicity, humility, peace, compassion, mercy, forgivefulness, civility, shame, determination, patience, self-respect, firmness, brilliance, selflessness, generosity, contentedness etc.
These qualities are found in godly noble characters and they lead one into final salvation and union with me. Such persons do not get bogged down in mundane affairs. They work for upliftment of their souls by banishing the evils of Kama, angst and greed. They put their faith in me and meditate or worship as prescribed in the scriptures. Thus, they gain my domain after death.’

Krishna continued, ‘O Parth! False pride, self conceit, angst, ego, jealousy, severity, ignorance etc are negative qualities of demonic nature. These negative tendencies get a man bound to physical bindings of the mundane world. A person of such negative nature does not know what is good and what is bad. He does not believe in truthful conduct or has belief in piety. Most of them are nonbelieving atheists. They think the world is born of carnal desires. Such people are born to ruin the world through their ignorance, stupidity, useless and horrifying acts.
Driven by ego, lust and infatuations they indulge in unholy and dirty karma. Satisfying the carnal desires is their sole aim of life. They waste their lives in greed, anger, Kama and are badly trapped in the net of worries. And after death they go to burning hell. During his life time such a person considers himself to be the doer, consumer, master, lord and the happiest one but the time deals horrible fate to him and his condition becomes really pitiable. O Arjun, I torment such characters by condemning them to lowliest life forms of demonic kind. So cruel, rogue and egotist deserve nothing better. The hell is full of such degenerate souls!