Arjun said to Krishna, ‘O Keshav! After getting over the three basic tendencies, the soul goes to which zone or level you were referring? I want to know it more clearly.’ Krishna responded, ‘Arjun! This world is like a peepal tree in inverted form, the roots are on top and branches below. Vedas are its leaves or foliage. The tree is without beginning. One who knows this tree with the roots he is the real knower of the meaning
of the Vedas. The forest of branches spread around up and down represent the life forms of earth.
They are sprouting myriad buds of beauty standing for the carnal pleasures and temptations inspired by the basic tendencies. The roots of passion and lust are growing through the height and low of this tree. This world-tree has no beginning or end. The roots (undesired) should be sheared off with the sword of wisdom and the effort to seek God made because He is the cause of the world and gaining Him means the deliverance from the metempsychosis. That is the final goal that the knowers of elementary truth reach.’

Krishna defined the divine domain the knowers of the truth seek in following words, ‘O Parth! My divine domain is not fostered by any sun, not soothed by moon light, it is not warmed up by fire or illuminated by lightning. My divine domain is energised by spiritual energy and kept alit. The individual soul influenced by basic tendencies ignores my divine love for devotion.
As a result he has to struggle hard to maintain his position in life. But a soul that has freed itself from the struggle comes to my divine domain and lives in my own state like me. One who has seen and realised his soul reality that yogi gains the knowledge of my Man Supreme truth. My light enlivens all particles, atoms and individual souls. It can be understood through the knowledge of soul. So, O Parth! Take me for the Man Supreme Almighty banishing all your doubts and battle.’