Political Science

23. Human rights

Rights are essential for the individuals because no man can attain fullest development of his life in the absence of rights and liberties.Laski says “Rights are those conditions of social life without which no man can seek himself to be at his best.” Despotic and authoritarian regimes allowed very little freedom to the people. But

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21. Rural development

With the attainment of independence, the Indian leaders faced the problem of eradication of backwardness of the society and its rapid development. About three-fourths of its population lives in villages and their main profession is agriculture. The development of rural life was the immediate need of free India. A lot of finance is required for

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17. Indian party system

Democracry and party system go together. In a democracry where representatives in the assemblies are elected through free and fair elections, where people have liberty of thoughts and expression and to criticise the government, the emergence of political parties is a natural process. Political parties in India are not the outcome of establishment of democratic

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16. Party system

Party system is an essential elements of democratic set up. Modern Democracy is the representative democracy and a representative government cannot work without political parties. These days candidates are sponsored by the parties, voters vote for the party not for the individual candidates, governments are formed by the parties. Thus political parties are essential in

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15. Socialism

In 19th century Industrial Revolution and Individualism influenced the political setup in the most of the state in Europe. Consequently Capitalism developed. But the open competition and free trade had its bad results and the conditions of working class became deplorable. Voices were raised against this set up all around and its was demanded that

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14. Liberalism

Political thinkers have been expressing their views from the very beginning about the aims of the state, relations between the individual and the state and the sphere of the state activity. Various political ideologies throw light on these questions. Liberalism is one of those ideologies, and was very popular in the 19th century. But it

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13. Fascism

Fascism is an ideology that advocates for a totalitarian state and which had its birth in Italy after the First World War. It was led by Benito Mussolini. A similar ideology had its origin at the same time in Germany under the leadership of Hitler and it was called Nazism. Fascism is a form of

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12. Communism

Russia was the first Communist state, when the peasants and workers through social revolution captured the ruling power of the state and dictatorship of the Communist Party was established. Communism is a branch of Marxism and it is generally believed that Marxism and Communism are identical. But actually there is distinction between the two.Marxism consists

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11. Marxism

Marxism is a king of Socialism which is based on the views of Karl Marx. He is called the first Scientific Socialist. Most of the people make no distinction between Marxism and Communism, but there is a difference between the two. Socialism based upon the views of Marx and as adopted by Lenin and Stalin

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10. Humanism

Humanism is one of the most important concepts that emerged in the modern period, and many ideologies like Individualism and Liberalism are based upon it. Humanism stands for giving importance to the man as a man, as a human being to man’s individuality, his personality, faith in his wisdom and rationality, his ability and capability.MeaningMan

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