
32. Chronology

1600 Formation of the East India Company.1707 Death of Aurangzeb.1739 Invasion of Nadir Shah .1756-63 Seven year’s War in Europe.1757 Battle of Plassey.1761 Third Battle of Panipat.1764 Battle of Buxur.1765 Grant of the Diwani to the East Indian Company.1767-69 First Anglo-Mysore War.1770 The Great Bengal Famine.1772-85 Administration of Warren Hastings.1773 The Regulating Act.1774 Establishment of

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25. National Struggle

For nine years after the Surat split the Congress was dominated by the moderates. The British Government took advantage of the dissensions in the ranks of the Congress to widen the gulf between the parties and to drive a wedge between the Hindus and Muslims. The Morley-Minto Reforms were meant to rally the moderates. They

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24. Birth of Congress

Perceiving the increasing intensity of the Indian feeling A.O. Hume, a retired civilian wanted to divert them into a constitutional channel. He was convinced that India needed a political organisation, which would perform the function which Her Majesty’s opposition did in England. According to Mr. Hume’s plan was taken up by some prominent Indians and

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23. Socio-religious Movements of the 19th Century

The 19th Century was a period of Renaissance in India because many political, economic, religious, social, cultural and literary changes took place during this period. There was an unprecedented awakening and progress in religious, social, literary, cultural and scientific fields. Several reformist movements were started during this period. On account of ignorance of the people

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