121 Plus 9 Biology Experiments

121 Plus 9 Biology Experiments121 Plus 9 Biology Experiments trains children to experiment and learn about the science of living organisms. Try these cool experiments with your little ones and enjoy the subject!๐Ÿงช๐Ÿ”ฌ๐Ÿ“š

All Taste Same (Biology Experiments)

The idea is to determine your sensitivity to taste.Things Required:ToothpicksBlindfoldSpring-type clothespinAppleOnionDirections:Take an adult to peel and cut the apple and onion into small bite-size pieces of equal size. Ask a helper to assist you with the experiment. Without seeing or smelling, the person will decide on the identity of the food by taste only. Blindfold

All Taste Same (Biology Experiments)

Freezing Herbs (Biology Experiments)

Certain herbs, such as parsley, chervil and chives are preserved better by freezing than by drying. The secret is to package them so that you may keep air out and moisture in.Things Required:A bunch of herbs (parsley, basil, dill, sage, thyme or chives)Thick small plastic bags, jars or freezer containersPaper towelsLabels and felt-tipped penDrinking straw

Freezing Herbs (Biology Experiments)

In But Not Out (Biology Experiments)

The function of this experiment is to observe the movement of particles through a membrane.Things Required:1 plastic sandwich bag1 twist tieTincture of iodineCornstarch2 measuring cups (500 ml)Eye-dropperMeasuring spoon -tablespoon (15 ml)Directions:Fill a cup one-half full with water, and add 20 drops of iodine. Fill a second cup with water and stir in one spoon of

In But Not Out (Biology Experiments)

Oily Feathers (Biology Experiments)

This experiment shows you the horrible effects that polluting detergents can have on birds.Things Required:1 quart (1 litre) clear glass bowlMeasuring cup (250 ml)Liquid oilPowdered washing detergentMeasuring spoon-teaspoon (5 ml) Directions:Pour 1 cup of water into the bowl. Add 1 spoon of liquid oil. Observe the surface of the water. Sprinkle 2 spoons of powdered

Oily Feathers (Biology Experiments)

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