Birbal, the Irreplaceable

One day, Hussain, one of Akbar’s courtiers, told him, “Birbal has been your trusted courtier for long. Please give me a chance.” Akbar replied, “You must prove yourself. Accompany Birbal to Burma and give my letter to the king.” Birbal and Hussain left for Burma. Birbal gave the letter to the king, who read it and said, “Akbar wants me to hang you on a full-moon night.” Birbal whispered his plan to Hussain. The king treated them graciously until the fateful night. On the full-moon night, Hussain said, “Hang me first.” Birbal said, “No, hang me first.” The king asked, “Why are you so eager to die?” Birbal answered, “Whoever is hanged first will be reborn as the King of Burma.” The king was petrified. He sent them back to Akbar. Akbar asked, “Hussain, are you ready to replace Birbal?” Hussain said, “No, Your Majesty. Birbal is very intelligent. He is irreplaceable.”

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