As You Sow, So Shall You Reap

Akbar had a courtier named Sultan. He wanted his son to become the royal treasurer. But Akbar and Birbal did not want this, as Sultan’s son was a rogue. Sultan thought, ‘If I turn the emperor against Birbal, my son can become the royal treasurer.’ One day, Birbal was late for the court. Sultan whispered to Akbar, “Your Majesty, Birbal is becoming careless day by day. Punish him.” Akbar knew about Sultan’s intentions, but he asked, “How?” Sultan said, “Say ‘no’ to all that Birbal asks.” Birbal said, “I am sorry; my wife is ill. I had taken her to the doctor.” Akbar replied, “No, I don’t believe you.” Birbal saw Sultan smiling and understood what had happened. Birbal asked, “Shall we discuss work?” Akbar replied, “No.” Birbal asked, “May I go home?” Akbar said, “No.” Then Birbal asked, “Will you appoint Sultan’s son as the royal treasurer?” Akbar said, “No,” and winked at Birbal.

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