Angarak and Ganesha

Once, Sage Bharadwaj was performing rigorous austerities on the bank of River Narmada. Suddenly, his concentration was disturbed and he opened his eyes. His gaze fell on a beautiful woman. He instantly fell in love with her and wanted to kidnap her. But the ill thought made him lose all his powers, which were absorbed by the earth. After some years, a child arose from the spot that had absorbed the sage’s powers. He was bright red in complexion, just like amber. He was named Angarak (like an amber). When he grew up, he asked Mother Earth who his father was. Mother Earth told him that Sage Bharadwaj was his father. Angarak later went in search of his father and found him. Sage Bharadwaj recognised him with the help of his divine powers. Angarak was educated by sage Bharadwaj, who taught him the Vedas, and gave him other divine knowledge. He was also given Ganesha’s Mantra and was asked to pray to Ganesha.

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