Akbar Meets Birbal

While hunting in a forest, Akbar lost his way. A man named Mahesh Das helped him find his way out. Akbar was pleased. He gave Mahesh his gold ring and invited him to his palace. Some days later, Mahesh went to Akbar’s palace but the guard did not let him in. Mahesh showed him Akbar’s ring. The guard said, “I’ll let you in. But you should give me half of what the emperor gives you.” Mahesh agreed. When Akbar saw Mahesh, he said, “What’s your wish, young man?” Mahesh replied, “Your Majesty, please beat me fifty times with a stick.” Akbar ordered his soldier to beat Mahesh. After receiving twenty-five beatings, Mahesh said, “Stop! Now call the guard and beat him twenty-five times. He wanted half of what the emperor gave me.” The guard was called in. He was shocked. Impressed with Mahesh’s intelligence, Akbar made him his chief minister.

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