A Handful of Nuts

Once, Akbar and his courtiers were discussing the qualities of generosity and kindness. Akbar said, “The hand of the giver is always above that of the receiver.” Everyone in the court pondered over the thought and agreed with him. However, Birbal said, “I do not agree with you, Your Majesty. The hand of the giver is not above that of the receiver in all cases.” Akbar thought, ‘Birbal is my favourite, but sometimes he thinks he knows too much.’ Then, he asked, “Birbal, tell me when the hand of the receiver is above that of the giver.” Birbal said, “Wait a minute, Your Majesty,” and left the court. Soon, he returned with a handful of nuts. He offered them to the emperor and said, “The hand of the receiver is above that of the giver when someone offers nuts.” Akbar smiled. He thought, ‘Birbal has extraordinary presence of mind.’

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