Tom & Jerry

Tom is chasing Jerry again! Jerry can run at 1 metre/sec, but Tom can run at 1.5 metres/sec.
Tom, being a stupid cat, runs into a 3-metre long sofa and takes 3 seconds to wriggle out. Jerry’s mouse hole is 2 metres away from the other end of the sofa.
If Jerry runs under the sofa 1 second after Tom has got stuck, and Tom runs over the sofa to catch Jerry, will Tom catch Jerry?

Jerry beats Tom (Again!)
Jerry needs to run 6 metres, (added the extra second before the sofa), while Tom has to run 9.5 metres (added the seconds taken to wriggle out)
6/1 = 6 seconds
9.5/1.5 = 6 and 1/3 seconds.
Jerry will beat Tom by half a metre or 1/3 of a second to Jerry’s hole.

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