The Sad Monster

Anabelle was a sad child. She did not have any friends. Due to this reason, her parents moved to another city, in the hope that she might make new friends in a new place.
Her family moved to a huge house, which had four rooms downstairs and a huge attic upstairs. The day they arrived, Anabelle got busy looking around the house downstairs and exploring the huge garden and forest behind the house. But that night, as she lay in her
bed, Anabelle heard a faint scratching sound. It was coming from upstairs. Not sure of what it was, she covered her ears and went to sleep. She was too tired to find out anyway. Soon, she was fast asleep.
The next night again, ‘Scratch! Scratch!’ the sound was clear. ‘I wonder who that could be!’ Anabelle felt a bit scared. She covered her head with the thick blanket and tried very hard to sleep.
The same thing repeated for the next two nights. More than afraid, Anabelle was now tired, as she was unable to sleep properly. She knew that the only way she could sleep was to find out the source of the noise.

Next morning, Anabelle bravely went up to the attic, where she found a sad-looking monster scratching the floor with its bare toes. The monster looked more sad than scary! “Hey! Do you want to play?” Anabelle asked the sad monster. Immediately, it looked up, and nodded happily in high spirits.
From that day on, Anabelle found a friend, who was always with her! She was no longer sad and neither was the monster. Both had become good friends. Now, they played together every day in the evening.

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