The Puppet Show

The-Puppet Show

The priest, now, quietly went into the Emperor’s garden. He carried along with him, his puppet, a candle, and a curtain. He placed the curtain near the Emperor’s chair. Then, he hid behind the curtain with the candle and the puppet. He waited for the Emperor to come. When the Emperor came, he did not notice the curtain. His eyes fell on the dancing shadow. The priest moved the puppet behind the curtain and told wonderful stories of the Emperor’s wife.

The priest told the Emperor’sfavourite story. The Emperor was spellbound. He knew the priest was there. He knew the puppet was there. But it appeared to him as if his wife was telling the story. The Emperor was no longer sad. At the end of each busy day, he went into his garden, eager to look at the shadow of his wife and hear her stories once again. That was the beginning of the shadow puppets.

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