The Proud Wolf

Once upon a time, a very strong Wolf was born into a family of wolves. He had strong muscles and a huge build. As he grew up, he became ferocious and swift. His parents were proud of him and started calling him ‘Lion’.
The Wolf was strong but could not take wise decisions. His decisions were hasty and illogical. He even started thinking that he was an actual Lion. “Why would my parents call me a ‘Lion’ otherwise?” he would claim. The Wolf would pretend to be a Lion and command all the wolves to bow down before him and do as he said.
One day, he even went to a group of Lions and started behaving as they did. He started hunting with them and having supper with them. The Lions were surprised at first. But they did not say anything.
All the animals in the jungle made fun of the Wolf. His parents were embarrassed but he did not even listen to them. He even rebuked some animals.
His parents decided to go to a wise Fox and seek his advice. They said, “Dear wise Fox, please help us. Our son has forgotten that he is a Wolf. Everyone in the jungle is laughing at him.”
The Fox thought for a while and replied, “I will go and talk to the Wolf.”

The next day, the Fox went to meet the wolf. He said, “I think no one makes a fool of oneself like you are doing. Look into the river water and see that you are still a Wolf. You might seem like a Lion amongst the Wolves. But don’t you know that you have always been a Wolf?”

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