The Milkmaid’s Dream

The Milkmaid’s Dream

A milkmaid was carrying the pot of milk on her head to sell it. The milkmaid was thinking that she would fetch a lot of money by selling milk. She would purchase eggs from that money, from them a lot of chickens would come out. The chickens will turn into hens after growing up. She will have a big poultry business. After becoming rich, she would purchase a palatial house. She would have a car and servants and she would become beautiful like a princess. Many charming princes would come to her with the proposals of marriage.
But she would refuse them by shaking her head. The milkmaid was dreaming when she acutally shook her head and the pot fell on the ground. The milkmaid held her head with both her hands at seeing the broken pot.
Moral : Day dreaming is of no use.

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