The Lion’s Grand Feast

The Lion’s Grand Feast

Long, long ago, a lion lived with his wife and a son. The son of the lion was very poor at studies and always failed the exam. But once after being taught by a tutor he passed the exam. The father lion became very happy and decided to throw a grand feast at his castle, but he kept a condition that all animals must have to keep nicknames. Only then they would be allowed to enter the castle. The wise old turtle cried, “I have a plan,” and winked at the other animals.

On the day of the feast, all the animals went to the lion’s castle. At the entrance, when the lion asked the turtle his nickname, the turtle replied, “I am All of You,” and was allowed to enter the castle. When the food arrived, the turtle stopped the server and asked, “Who is this food for?” “It’s for All of You,” replied the server. “Thank you,” said the turtle and quickly collected all the food in a bag and went home. All the other animals followed him and enjoyed their grand feast that day.

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